location: android_screen_stream

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  • Your Notebook and Android devices should be in the same WIFI network.


  • https://airserver.com - It has a 30 day trial period. Costs: 11 EUR

  • Make sure laptop and tablet are in the same wireless network.
  • Start airserver on the notebook.
  • Quick Settings > Smart View / Stream. Maybe you have to activate 'wireless transfer'

Screen Stream (private WLAN)

  • UZH WLAN like 'Eduroam', 'UZH' and 'Public' are blocking direct traffic between devices! Screenstream won't work at UZH!
  • Android: Install the app 'Screen Stream' via the Google Play store: Screen Stream

  • Android and Notebook: Connect your phone and your PC to the same WIFI. (important!)

  • Android: Open the newly installed app 'Screen Stream' on your android phone/tablet. app_icon.png

  • Android: At the top of the app you see the 'Device address', you will need this later. But first press the 'start' button in the app. start_and_address.png

  • Android: If you are asked for permissions, press 'START NOW'. start_now.png

  • Android and Notebook: Copy (by hand) the 'Device address' as mentioned above from the app into your browser address bar. address_bar.png

  • Notebook: Select full screen. full_screen.png

  • Notebook: Now you can share your screen using another application on your Notebook. For example Jitsi or Adobe Connect.

PublicMathWiki: android_screen_stream (last edited 2021-02-01 10:46:11 by eseide)