<<TableOfContents: execution failed [list index out of range] (see also the log)>>
<<TableOfContents: execution failed [list index out of range] (see also the log)>>
Please see email
Open Thunderbird Settings > search for 'addr' > Edit Directories > Add
Hostname: iduzhz2dc03.d.uzh.ch
Base DN: OU=Users,OU=Users UZH,DC=d,DC=uzh,DC=ch
Port number: 636
Bind DN: uzh\<your shortname>
Name: I-MATH Hostname: mail.math.uzh.ch Base DN: ou=people,dc=math,dc=uzh,dc=ch Port number: 389 Bind DN: uid=crose,ou=people,dc=math,dc=uzh,dc=ch Use secure connection: off
It's possible to change the Thunderbird UI to f.e. German: Edit > Preferences > Language > English|French|German|Italian
If the English is used and german date formating is wished, check: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/customize-date-time-formats-thunderbird
In config editor (Edit > Preferences > Search: config > Config Editor) set:
intl.date_time.pattern_override.date_short - dd.MM.yyyy
intl.date_time.pattern_override.time_short - HH:mm
To automatically show all folder:
In Thunderbird move the mouse over the account do a right mouse click and select 'Settings > Server Settings > Advanced > Show only subscribed folders=off
If a new folder has been created (maybe via Zimbra, or on a shared mailbox via another user), and Thunderbird does not show the new folder automatically:
Please update the 'folder subscription': on the account do a right mouse click and select 'Subscribe'.
If you click on a mailto link in webbrowser, thunderbird will be opened and you can start to write a mail.
Open: Settings > Account Settings
Installation: Tools > Add on and themes
Tools > Add-on and Themes
Install this Add-On: https://addons.thunderbird.net/de/thunderbird/addon/provider-for-google-calendar/?src=ss
Open Settings > Add-ons and Themes > Extensions > click the Settings Gear (Icon) > Install Add-on from File.
Now Allow the requested Permissions and select your desired Calendar > press Subscribe.
Restart Thunderbird via File > Quit (closing the window might not be enough).
Thinlinc: start clean-thunderbird (Repair & Clean Thunderbird) - see above.
Check the error console: Tools > Developer Tools > Error Console or press ctrl+shift+j
Let Thunderbird create a Logfile: https://wiki.mozilla.org/MailNews:Logging#Linux/unix
If this does not help, open a terminal and restore an older version, e.g. from 30 days ago:
$ clean-thunderbird.sh 30
Solution: start clean-thunderbird.sh - this will restore the latest settings from the last snapshot.