Streaming HS20
For HS20 the UZH lectures and seminars have to be streamed online. The UZH recommends ZOOM to do so. This is problematic for two reasons:
- This has to be configured and started manually per lecture (time intensive, error-prone).
- Blackboards are hard to capture/stream with legacy notebook webcam.
Currently the I-MATH IT is developing a system called 'SeminarLive' for the MNF to simplify the whole process of streaming and recording.
This pilot project will be installed in 4 MNF (non I-MATH) rooms and the I-MATH rooms Y27-H12, H25, H26, H28, H36/37 (planned), H46 (missing: Y27H52 / terminal room)
I-MATH rooms
- Streaming:
via SeminarLive
- via ZOOM
MNF rooms
Streaming possibility: via ZOOM (except those equipped with SeminarLive)
Rooms under control of Hoersaal-Dispo
- Big lecture halls.
- Streaming:
- via MELS
- via ZOOM
- Lecture / Seminar preparation:
Before first lecture: configuration (date, time, setup) in the 'SeminarLive'-Tool (homepage).
- Weekly on site:
- Speaker authenticates on a tablet at the speaker desk.
- The streaming of the blackboard has to be started and stopped manually or does it automatic, depending on the configuration.
- Microphone
- Installed at the ceiling with special noise reduction.
- Camera
- Directed to the blackboard.