Background information:
KeePass(X) is a tool to store and manage passwords. It is freely available for
MacOS/Windows - KeePass:
Linux (reduced version) - KeePassX:
iOS -
How KeePassX works
- KeePassX create/open/edit/save password-databases in a single file.
- A password-database is basically an encrypted file, where you can store your various usernames/passwords/URLs and also attachments like pictures or other important / private documents.
- A password-database can only be opened if you know the Master-Password. The Master Password is the key to all your stored passwords.
- If you forgot your Master-Password, you cannot access your stored passwords anymore.
- Encryption -- either the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) or the Twofish algorithm are used for encryption of the database in 256 bit sized increments
All features:
Using KeePassX on the Thinlinc terminals
- Start KeePassX:
Ubuntu / Thinlinc: Applications > Accessoires > KeePassX
- command line: keepassx
- You can use the same password database on different computers if they have KeePassX installed.
- When opening KeePassX with a database, you will be asked for the master password of the file.
- When a password database is open, KeePassX "locks itself" after a certain amount of time. After that you have to unlock the file again with your master password.
You can hide/view usernames and passwords by clicking on "View" --> "Hide Usernames" and "View" --> "Hide Passwords"
- You can right-click on an entry and choose "Copy Username to Clipboard" or "Copy Password to Clipboard". You can then paste the password. After a few seconds, the password is no longer stored in the Clipboard.
Creating a Password Database
Click on "File" --> "New Database..."
- you will be prompted to set a master key. Input your master password (the master password for all your other stored passwords). Then click "OK"
- repeat your master password. click "OK".
- chose a group. (Standard choices are Internet of eMail. You can also create your own groups).
click on "Entries" --> "Add New Entry..."
- Input the information you need
- Title: a short description of the entry
- Username: your username
- URL: on what homepage do you need the password
- Password: your password
- Repeat: repeat your password
- Comment: a longer description of the entry
click on "File" --> "Save Database"
- chose a location and a name for your password database. click "OK"
Sync Database via cloud
- Only use a cloud service if you need to sync your passwords over several devices.
- Decide on your own:
- Pro 'cloud':
- the same password on all devices.
- creates automatically backups.
- Contra 'cloud':
- If your cloud access is compromised or the cloud service provider is compromised: the thief owns the treasure.
- Pro 'cloud':
US based cloud provider like Google Drive, Dropbox, Apple iDrive, Microsoft OneDrive:
- Those services are very attractive to hackers.
- The NSA has the right to get all data from US companies. After Snowden it's for sure, the NSA is not friendly.
Rule of thumb: Don't use US hosted / company based services for confidential data.
- Local cloud storage provider: - Switch Highschool cloud service - switchdrive - I-MATH
- How to:
On all computers where you want to sync your KeePass database file, install and configure
Open the KeePass database file on all of your devices directly from switchdrive folder.