location: diodon

Institute of Mathematics - PublicMathWiki:

diodon - clipboard manager

broken - no clipboard entries anymore

Quick Fixes

sqlite DB broken

  • For whatever reason, even a sqlite database might break.
  • If zeitgeist does not work, than diodon does not work.

    # Testrun from diodon shows:
    $ strace diodon
    zeitgeist-clipboard-storage.vala:383: Add item unavailable not successful, error: GDBus.Error:org.gnome.zeitgeist.EngineError.DatabaseCorrupt: Database corruption flag is set.
  • Check the zeitgeist db:

    $ sqlite3 ~/.local/share/zeitgeist/activity.sqlite 'VACUUM;'
  • If this reports something like Unable to execute SQL: - this is the problem.

  • Check zeitgeist:

    $ zeitgeist-daemon -r
    [09:25:01.337402 WARNING] sql.vala:150: It looks like your database is corrupt. It will be renamed and a new one will be created.
    [09:25:01.391462 WARNING] zeitgeist-daemon.vala:546: Can't create database: 10, disk I/O error
  • If the past user activity is not important anymore, remove the broken db

    $ pkill zeitgeist-daemon
    $ rm -r .local/share/zeitgeist/
    $ nohup zeitgeist-daemon -r &
    # Restart diodon
    $ pkill diodon
    $ nohup diodon &

PublicMathWiki: diodon (last edited 2023-10-24 20:12:56 by crose)