location: ProxyBySsh

Institute of Mathematics - PublicMathWiki:

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You can upload content for the page named below. If you change the page name, you can also upload content for another page. If the page name is empty, we derive the page name from the file name.

File to load page content from
Page name

Revision 4 as of 2020-04-10 09:06:17

(Web) Proxy by SSH

To get Web access to I-MATH intranet webserver it's possible to setup a SOCKS SSH proxy channel:

ssh -C -D <I-MATH account>@ssh.math.uzh.ch
  • Tell the browser to use the new proxy connection. To use the I-MATH intenal DNS Server (necessary get access to hostnames that are only known inside of I-MATH), use the SOCKS5 protocol, incl. DNS forward.
  • Google Chrome
    • google-chrome --proxy-server="socks5://localhost:1080"

    • Mac OS X: /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --proxy-server="socks5://localhost:1080"

  • Opera
    • opera --proxy-server="socks5://localhost:1080"

    • Mac OS X: /Applications/Opera.app/Contents/MacOS/Opera --proxy-server="socks5://localhost:1080"

  • Firefox
    • There is no officially option '-proxy-server' for the commandline
    • Start firefox, open 'settings', navigate to 'network':
