= todo.txt = * http://todotxt.org/ (incl. list of apps which support 'todo.txt', all OS) * Very simple todo list manager (GTD: getting things done). * Notation: https://github.com/todotxt/todo.txt * Thinlinc: * GUI: Applications > Office > QTodoTxt * CLI: todo.sh Do the following steps to setup the environment * open in your TL session a terminal * cd * pwd (shows your home dir path: '/home/a/crose') * mkdir ~/.todo * cd .todo * touch config * vi conifg * press 'i' * insert the lines below and adapt as needed {{{ # Your todo/done/report.txt locations export TODO_DIR=/home/[a|b|c]/[yourlogin]/todo # or the path where you want store the files export TODO_FILE="$TODO_DIR/todo.txt" export DONE_FILE="$TODO_DIR/done.txt" export REPORT_FILE="$TODO_DIR/report.txt" }}} * type 'wq' * type cd * type 'todo.sh add +MyProject @MyContext' * todo.sh [-fhpantvV] [-d todo_config] action [task_number] [task_description] == Android == * Standalone: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nl.mpcjanssen.simpletask&hl=en * Nextcloud: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nl.mpcjanssen.simpletask.nextcloud&hl=en = Synchronize 'todo' list = * Use a cloud storage provider like https://drive.math.uzh.ch, https://drive.switch.ch or https://dropbox.com. * Create a folder 'todo' on your cloud storage with a file 'todo.txt' * Start on thinlinc 'Applications > Office > QTodoTxt'. Open your todo.txt file on your cloud storage: {{attachment:qtodotxt.png}} * On Android install 'simpletask nextcloud' (or dropbox) > choose the synchronized todo.txt file.