location: student_upload_homework

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Revision 15 as of 2013-04-19 12:19:22

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Student upload homework

  • Login under http://www.math.uzh.ch/my and go to Lectures

  • Lectures with an open upload area show an 'upload'-icon. Click on it.


  • Upload the homework:


  1. Title of the homework
  2. Deadline for the upload. Check date and time.

  3. Upload new files.
    • Choose meaningfull filenames.
    • If necessary, specify a note per file.
    • There's no limit of uploaded files.
    • Upload file by file.
    • Don't upload archives (except the lectures allows it).
  4. List of already uploaded files. Click on the name to download the file. Check that the file has been successfully transferred.
  5. Optional note per file.
  6. In case of a mistake of correction, delete an already uploaded file.
  7. If all files have been uploaded, mark the upload complete - only complete uploads will be checked. To do so, click on the lock.

  8. After marking (and locking) the upload as complete, the homework status will change from gray to yellow. All 'edit'-icons disappear.


  • The tutor approves the homework. Maybe there is a short note to the student.
