OS |
Application |
Download |
Linux |
ssh |
built in |
Windows |
Putty |
http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html |
MacOS X |
ssh |
built in |
Examples for console on Unix(-oid) systems (Linux, OSX, ...):
- Copy the desktop from your math account to the local computer:
scp -r login@ssh.math.uzh.ch:Desktop .
(replace login with your user name)
Copy files from baxter (compute) to your local computer outside the institute. This cannot be done directly, but using an SSH tunnel:
PORT=1234 BAXTER= LOGIN=login ssh -f $LOGIN@ssh.math.uzh.ch -L $PORT:$BAXTER:22 -N rsync --partial --progress --exclude=.svn -auvz -e "ssh -p $PORT" $LOGIN@localhost:/export/user/login/data . CMD="ps -eo pid,args | grep 'ssh -f $LOGIN@ssh.math.uzh.ch -L $PORT:$BAXTER:22' | grep -v 'grep' | cut -c1-6" PID=`eval $CMD` kill -9 $PID echo `eval $CMD`
Here, PORT specifies the port number on your system used for the SSH tunnel (any random number larger than 1024 and less than 65535 should do, if not used by another program), BAXTER is the IP address of baxter, LOGIN your math account name, /export/user/login/data is the source directory, . the destination directory. The last four lines kill the SSH tunnel. The option --partial to rsync ensures that if the transfer breaks, you can continue it later.