Printing exams - pdfPrintSequential

If you have a personalized exam, one PDF for all students, and you like to print it and the output should be:

than use the pdfPrintSequential script (commandline).

# K Floor (k)
$ pdfPrintSequential -o Duplex=None -o StaplePos=1PLU -o StapleType=StapleON -o sides=one-sided <file.pdf> k <pages per exam> <start page to print from> <delay in seconds>
# J Floor (jcolor_booklet) - with color
$ pdfPrintSequential -o Duplex=None -o StaplePos=1PLU -o StapleType=StapleON -o sides=one-sided -o print-color-mode=Color <file.pdf> jcolor_booklet <pages per exam> <start page to print from> <delay in seconds>



pdfPrintSequential -o Duplex=None -o StaplePos=1PLU -o StapleType=StapleON -o sides=one-sided exam.pdf k 16 1 0

printer 'k', 16 pages per exam, starting at 1, no delay


pdfPrintSequential -o Duplex=None -o sides=one-sided exam.pdf jcolor 8 33 5

printer 'jcolor', 8 pages per exam, starting at 33, 5 seconds delay