Check suspicious files: doc[x], xls[x], pdf, ...
Files receveived from untrusted sender, could be easily checked for viruses online under:
Virus / Trojaner / Keylogger / ...
Anti virus software:
Password Security
Don't tell your password to other people! Just don't do it!
Never, ever send a password by email!
- If an email which looks authentic asks you to log in on a website, it may still be fake. Check by asking the IT crew personally.
- If you enter a password, try keeping in mind if someone is watching you.
- A lot of damages can be done with the knowledge of your password. The argument 'I have nothing to hide' is useless if someone charges your bank account against your will.
- When chosing a password, keep a good balance between a password which you can remember easily, but others cannot guess easily: use upper case / lower case / digits / special characters. Approximately 10 characters long.
Don't write your password down.
- If you absolutely must write your password down, keep the note in a secure location where others cannot access it (e.g. your wallet or a safe). Never put the note somewhere visible.
Use password managment tools (like e.g. KeePassX).
email Security
File Exchange Security
- When exchanging files with another person from the institute, use "the box". It is more secure and faster than methods over the internet.
- When sharing files about teaching, use /scratch/share/veranstaltungen .
- When sharing files about administration, use /scratch/share/institut .
Working from remote locations
- If you are working at remote locations (public places), try doing as few sensible tasks as possible. (I.e. don't access critical data or log into accounts if it is not necessary). This is especially true if connecting to an unencrypted (open) wireless spot.
- If you log in somewhere (e.g. your email account or similar), the browser may ask you if you want to save the username and password. Think before you click, and click "No, don't save!".
- In public internet cafes, everything you type (including your password!) may be protocolled.
- While traveling, take your own laptop or a laptop of I-MATH with you, rather than relying on other hardware.
Browsing Security
- Keep an eye open for fake URL's (phishing sites). Some letters look very similar (e.g. 0/O/o, l/1/I, etc. In particular, the extensions .ch and .cn look very similar)
- Don't click on advertisements. Even very reputable websites (like the homepage of a newspaper or tv-channel) can contain fake advertisements which try to harm your computer if you click on it.
- In particular: don't click on advertisements which tell you that your computer "might be infected/in danger" or similar. These advertisements are mostly infectious itself.
- If your browser warns you that a security certificate doesn't match, be cautious.
- Contrary to popular belief, the weakest point in a security context is usually the human.
- Almost always there is a contrast between security and usability. (Typical example: password '1234' written on a sticky note versus a randomly generated password learned by heart)
- When thinking in a context of IT security, it is better to worry than to be sorry.
- Almost by definition there is no perfectly secure system. Therefore, IT security is based on "trust". If doing sensible tasks (like entering your password) you should trust your hardware and your network connection.
- If in doubt, ask your IT crew.