location: ms-teams

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  • # Menu > Teams (input app name 'teams' to quickly find). There are three options: # ALs PWA Browser App (recommended)

    • In Google Chrome (only this browser is supported for the MS-Teams PWA app) open
    • Via Browser / Fat Client: https://www.zi.uzh.ch/en/support/it-workplace/ms365/microsoft-teams/access.html

    • Thinlinc: Applications > Internet > Microsoft-Teams (Preview)

      • In Thinlinc, there is currently no WebCam Support!

      • Chat, Audio and Screen share is fine
      • Y27: If you use the small black USB audio dongles, an annoying sound is probably in the background. Best is to use a better headset.

02-notification.png 03-install.png 04-start.png