= Mendeley = ''[[http://www.mendeley.org|Mendeley]] is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research.'' Mendeley is installed on all !ThinLinc Servers. You'll find it in the ''Applications'' menu under ''Science''. Before using it, you have to [[https://www.mendeley.com/join/?_section=header&_specific=|sign up]] with Mendeley <>. Feature highlights of Mendeley are * automatically generate bibliographies (including BibTeX) * [[http://www.mendeley.com/import/|import references]] directly from supported websites, e.g. arXiv, Google Scholar, !SpringerLink, etc * [[http://www.mendeley.com/features/read-and-annotate/|read and annotate PDFs]] * [[http://www.mendeley.com/features/backup-sync-mobile/|synchronize]] your PDFs with other computers and devices For a complete list of features visit ''[[http://www.mendeley.com/features/|What is Mendeley?]]''. == General Use Case == Add papers and articles to Mendeley and export it to a BibTeX database which can be used by LaTeX. == Use Case for Students == While preparing for an exam, add your script and exercise PDFs to Mendeley and use the [[http://www.mendeley.com/features/read-and-annotate/|annotation feature]] to keep notes. ----