= Dropbox = * dropbox.com is a US based commercial company. * Any data saved via dropbox, are affected by US laws. * At UZH, the recommended alternative to dropbox is Switchdrive: http://drive.switch.ch. * Advantages of Switchdrive against dropbox: * Swiss data protection laws are respected. * Diskquota: 50GB. * All major OS are fully supported. == Thinlinc == * Applications > Internet > Dropbox * Disk usage of Dropbox is separated from I-MATH home quota. === Linux client and ext4 === * End of 2018, dropbox [[https://help.dropbox.com/desktop-web/system-requirements#linux|limits]] the linux client to only operate on ext4 filesystem - this is no option for the I-MATH infrastructure. * To fulfil the requirements we've installed a workaround. * Please follow the above instructions carefully, to get a running dropbox installation. * If you run into trouble, please contact the [[https://www.math.uzh.ch/index.php?id=support|IT-support]]