= drive.switch.ch = SWITCH (Provider for the Swiss academic community) offers cloud storage for all UZH members: http://www.switch.ch/services/drive/ ||Server name ||https://drive.switch.ch || ||Username ||Your UZH email address || ||Password ||During account creation UZH AAI - later the local provided || = Account = Before using it the first time, you have to activate: * Your Switch EDU-ID * Your Switch Drive account. Please follow the instructions on https://drive.switch.ch > Create Account = Webaccess = * https://drive.switch.ch = Native Client = == Thinlinc == * Applications > Accessories > ownCloud Desktop sync client * You'll find a small 'cloud' icon {{attachment:owncloud.png}} on the upper right corner of the Thinlinc screen. == Non Thinlinc == * Download: https://help.switch.ch/drive/downloads/