PublicMathWiki: VPN


Windows / MacOS / iOS / Android Setup-Guides:

Linux Ubuntu Setup-Guide:

1.) Open the UZH-Sharepoint VPN Access folder: UZH-Sharepoint

2.) Open the folder with the highest version number (newest)


3.) Open "Ubuntu - Debian" --> Download the file ending with ".deb"


4.) Now open the Command Line:

5.) The client should now be installed --> start it and set up the VPN-Connection by following these steps:


6.) The connection should now be visible under "Connections" --> simply press "Connect" to activate the VPN


If you get this Error: Chromium embedded browser (cef) is not installed on this machine when trying to connect, then try the following steps:

Verifying if the VPN is active:

Open this page IP-check Before connecting to the VPN --> make a note of the IP shown.

Now connect to the VPN and refresh the page --> if the IP shown is different from the one you made a note of, it most likely means that the VPN is active.

PublicMathWiki: VPN (last edited 2024-01-25 15:01:13 by alrutz)