location: Diff for "TeX/old"

Institute of Mathematics - PublicMathWiki:

Differences between revisions 2 and 3
Revision 2 as of 2013-09-02 14:57:48
Size: 2708
Editor: crose
Revision 3 as of 2021-02-15 14:34:48
Size: 0
Editor: eseide
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 1: Line 1:
= old - not valid anymore =

= UZH: mathletter / frutiger fonts =
== MikTeX 2.7 (Windows) ==
 * Copy `mathletter.cls`, `unisiegel.eps`, `unisiegel.pdf` (see `/scratch/software/tex/unibrief-0.3/`) into a subdirectory of your MikTeX-Installation. For example, copy the files to `C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\tex\uzh` if you installed MikTeX into the folder `C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\`.
 * Install the frutiger fonts:
  * Copy the content of `/scratch/software/tex/ifi/frutiger.tar.gz` to your MikTeX installation directory as follows:

   || files/folders to copy from 'frutiger.tar.gz' || directory where to copy the files to || in our example, you would copy the files/folders to ||
   || {{{texmf\dvips\base\frutiger.map}}} || {{{fonts\map\dvips}}} || {{{C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\fonts\map\dvips}}} ||
   || {{{texmf\fonts}}} || {{{fonts}}} || {{{C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\fonts}}} ||
   || {{{texmf\tex\latex\base}}} || {{{tex\latex}}} || {{{C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\tex\latex}}} ||

  * Open a shell and execute the following commands in the given order:
   1. {{{mktexlsr}}}
   1. {{{initexmf --edit-config-file updmap}}}
    . This opens up a file called {{{updmap.cfg}}}. Add the following line to the file, save and close it.
Map frutiger.map
   1. {{{updmap}}}
 * Done! You can test the mathletter document class with the following example document: http://www.math.uzh.ch/fileadmin/math/divers/mathletter.tex.

== TeXLive (Ubuntu) ==
 * Copy `mathletter.cls`, `unisiegel.eps`, `unisiegel.pdf` (see `/scratch/software/tex/unibrief-0.3/`) into a subdirectory of your TeXLive-Installation. For example, copy the files to `/usr/share/texmf-local/tex/latex/mathletter` if you installed TeXLive into the folder `/usr/share/texmf-local`.
 * Install the frutiger fonts:
  * Copy the content of `/scratch/software/tex/ifi/frutiger.tar.gz` to your TeXLive installation directory as follows:
   || files/folders to copy from 'frutiger.tar.gz' || directory where to copy the files to || in our example, you would copy the files/folders to ||
   || {{{texmf\dvips\base\frutiger.map}}} || {{{fonts/map/dvips}}} || {{{/usr/share/texmf-local/fonts/map/dvips}}} ||
   || {{{texmf\fonts}}} || {{{fonts}}} || {{{/usr/share/texmf-local/fonts}}} ||
   || {{{texmf\tex\latex\base}}} || {{{tex/latex}}} || {{{/usr/share/texmf-local/tex/latex}}} ||

  * Open a shell and execute the following commands in the given order:
   1. {{{sudo mktexlsr}}}
   1. {{{sudo updmap-sys --enable Map frutiger.map}}}
 * Done! You can test the mathletter document class with the following example document: http://www.math.uzh.ch/fileadmin/math/divers/mathletter.tex.