(!) Print this page in print mode to get handouts.


You can use all wiki markup for making your slides - just keep the following in mind:

Creating the slides

Put a headline on top of your page (as you see above) because in DiaShow mode, the wiki page title won't be visible (as the whole wiki frame stuff won't be visible, only the page contents).

If you do not want to enumerate your headlines, use #pragma section-numbers off at top of your page.

(!) Don't forget to fill in some valuable content.

For your convenience, there is a SlideTemplate - use it.

Put <<Navigation(slides)>> (upper) or <<Navigation(siblings)>> (lower) at bottom of your page:

Running your presentation

Well, it is easy: just visit the main page (like HelpOnSlideShows) of your presentation and hit Start.

You can use Slideshow and Wiki on the main page to toggle between:


next page


last page


previous page


first page


up to main page