PublicMathWiki: SeminarLive Manual






Technical Issues, Urgent situation: Phone 55847 (C.Rose)


Any recent browser like Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari


Incl. switching between several recorded streams


Quality with 4k Cams (good readable)


Tablet, Notebook (Win, Mac, Linux)


Ceiling microphone installed in seminar room - no additional microphone needed.

Access control

Public, UZH authenticated, self registration, group password


all, 1:1

Rooms installed

Y11F06, Y25H79, Y36K08, Y42K88, Y27H12, Y27H25, Y27H28, Y27H36, Y27H46, Y27H52


Video 17.2.2022

To be implemented

Viewer access to SeminarLive



Only for lectures of I-MATH events

To activate the automatic linking from I-MATH lecture homepage to SeminarLive, please activate SeminarLive on the streaming tab in See also: for streaming (log in on the upper right corner).


Login / Role

Stream lecture/seminar: setup

Event Import

  1. Navigate to the My Events page

  2. If you have one or more events that can be imported (I-MATH lectures and exercises), you will see them as shown in the image below.
    • event_import.png

  3. Click 'Import'.

Creating an Event

To create an event manually, follow these steps

  1. Navigate to the My Events page

  2. Click on the Create Event link. If you already have at least one event listed on the page, use the + button instead.

    • If you see neither the link nor the button, then you are most likely missing privileges - in this case please contact
  3. The form shown in the image below below appears.
    • create_event_general.jpg

    • a) Type: The type of event: Lecture, Exercise or Seminar. If you pick exercise, then you will also have to select the lecture or seminar for which the exercise is done.

    • b) Semester: The Semester in which you want to stream.

    • c) Module: The module name of your lecture

    • d) Default Room: The room in which the event is usually held. The room can later be adjusted per occurrence of the event, but by default the Default Room will be used.

    • e) Lecture Name: The name of the lecture

    • f) Description: An optional description of the event (e.g. what is the lecture about?

    • g) Show on "Browse Events": If this box is checked, then your event will be publicly visible on the Browse Events page

    • h) Speakers: All speakers for the event are shown here. When you save the event for the first time, you will be automatically added to the speaker list. After this, you will be able to add more speakers. All Speakers can edit the event and will automatically be granted all privileges on the Streaming Interface of the event. (e.g. Turning the blackboard camera and other devices on/off)

Streaming and Recording Settings

In the tab Streaming you can adjust the following settings:


Creating a Schedule

In the tab Schedule you can now define when exactly the event will be held. At the moment there are no occurrences of this event.


Click the + Button to create the first occurrence of the event. Then configure the occurrence (which is called a meeting here):


Save the form. You should now see your event:


Let's assume the event should occurr once a week, for 14 weeks. At the moment there is only one occurrence. To create the remaining occurrences, edit the meeting (Pencil icon) and then switch to the Recurrence tab.


Click Repeat this meeting. The form in the image below will open. To create the remaining 13 occurrences of the event, configure the as shown:


Once this form is saved, multiple meetings are created using the chosen options. You will land on the Detail page of your event. If everything went right, you should see this message:



Starting the Stream (Speaker / Assistant)

The event can be streamed once its schedule has been created. The speaker of the event can turn on (and off) devices in the room with the click of a button. This can either be done in a browser (e.g. on a laptop or computer) or on the SeminarLive touchpad. Both ways are described below.

In the Browser

  1. Navigate to the My Events page (Login required)

  2. a) Click the Join Button on the left side in the 'Today's Meetings' section

    todays_meetings.png b) OR: alternatively you can open the detail page of your event by clicking the magnifying glass. On this page you can see the whole schedule of your event. At the top, in the 'Upcoming' section, you can click 'Join' to open the streaming page. event_detail.png upcoming.png

  3. Click the button shown in the picture below. You will now see all devices in the room which can be turned on and off. Toggle the switches next to the device's name to turn it on/off.


On the Touch

  1. Log in by holding your UZH card to the backside of the Touch. If this is the first time you are using your card to log in, you will be prompted to enter your UZH/SeminarLive username and password. Otherwise you will be logged in immediately. Alternatively, you can log in without your card, by clicking 'Login' and then entering your UZH/SeminarLive username and password.
  2. Join the 'Meeting' by clicking 'Join'.


  1. Toggle the button next to a device's name to toggle it on or off. The device's stream (e.g. the blackboard camera) will be visible in the meeting a few seconds after turning it on.


Streaming Interface

The streaming interface for SeminarLive looks and works as shown and explained below.


Known Problems

PublicMathWiki: SeminarLive Manual (last edited 2022-04-15 09:17:32 by crose)