RemoteExam Tool

RemoteExam Tool

Technical problems before exam

Questions during exam

1) Video Call via button 'Request Help'
2) Chat
3) Send mail to address listed in RemoteExam Tool (last option, not recommended)

Device necessary

Cell phone (Android / iOS) - be sure to have the latest updates installed.

iOS (iPhone)

/!\ Switch off incompatible Image format (HEIC): Go to Settings > Camera > Formats > Select “Most Compatible.” /!\


If there are upload problems, try a different camera app like Open Camera

Extra device recommended

Notebook: view the exam, VideoCall for questions, monitor yourself. Please use Google Chrome - other browser will have trouble with Video Call for 'Request Help'

Electronic writing

Depending on the lecture: writing on tablets is not allowed. Only handwriting.


By default, only images can be uploaded, no multi page documents like PDFs. As soon as you click on 'Upload' in the webinterface, the camera opens automatically. No special App is needed, just a webbrowser. Specific exams allow other file types (like .Rmd, .m or .py files) for upload


A reliable internet connection is necessary.