location: Office365

Institute of Mathematics - PublicMathWiki:

Revision 2 as of 2021-10-28 11:59:12

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  • URL: https://outlook.office365.com

  • To login, use your Email address and paswword from Active Directory account (typically like the WLAN password).
  • FAQ: https://www.zi.uzh.ch/en/support/it-workplace/ms365/outlook/faq.html

  • I-MATH member and I-MATH alumni: After the migration of Lotus Notes to Office365, the email forward to the I-MATH mailserver is lost.
    • Please reconfigure the forward to I-MATH mailserver by yourself, or get in touch with us (https://math.uzh.ch/support)

    • As forwarding address, please set <firstname>.<lastname>@mail.math.uzh.ch - note the mail after the @ sign. This is not an official address, it's a technical address to make the forward work.

    • To do the outlook configuration, Please follow FAQ > 2.) Forwarding