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Revision 27 as of 2010-10-20 13:36:40


TeX/LaTeX Documentation

Frequently used questions and programs

Count words in a latex documents

Kile: File > Statistics


Tips and tricks

Converting .eps-files (automatically) to .pdf-files

Include a movie in a PDF Document

Example: omega.tex omega.mpg omega.pdf

[user@host] pdflatex omega.tex

View the PDF File in Acrobat Reader. It probably won't work on the Sun Ray Terminals.


  • movie.tex

Whispering-gallery mode in a quarter circle:



pdflatex movie.tex
  • View in acrobat reader

UZH: mathletter / frutiger fonts

MikTeX 2.7 (Windows)

  • Copy mathletter.cls, unisiegel.eps, unisiegel.pdf (see /scratch/software/tex/unibrief-0.3/) into a subdirectory of your MikTeX-Installation. For example, copy the files to C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\tex\uzh if you installed MikTeX into the folder C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\.

  • Install the frutiger fonts:
    • Copy the content of /scratch/software/tex/ifi/frutiger.tar.gz to your MikTeX installation directory as follows:

      • files/folders to copy from 'frutiger.tar.gz'

        directory where to copy the files to

        in our example, you would copy the files/folders to



        C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\fonts\map\dvips



        C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\fonts



        C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\tex\latex

    • Open a shell and execute the following commands in the given order:
      1. mktexlsr

      2. initexmf --edit-config-file updmap

        • This opens up a file called updmap.cfg. Add the following line to the file, save and close it.

          Map frutiger.map
      3. updmap

  • Done! You can test the mathletter document class with the following example document: http://www.math.uzh.ch/fileadmin/math/divers/mathletter.tex.

TeXLive (Ubuntu)

  • Copy mathletter.cls, unisiegel.eps, unisiegel.pdf (see /scratch/software/tex/unibrief-0.3/) into a subdirectory of your TeXLive-Installation. For example, copy the files to /usr/share/texmf-local/tex/latex/mathletter if you installed TeXLive into the folder /usr/share/texmf-local.

  • Install the frutiger fonts:
    • Copy the content of /scratch/software/tex/ifi/frutiger.tar.gz to your TeXLive installation directory as follows:

      • files/folders to copy from 'frutiger.tar.gz'

        directory where to copy the files to

        in our example, you would copy the files/folders to










    • Open a shell and execute the following commands in the given order:
      1. sudo mktexlsr

      2. sudo updmap-sys --enable Map frutiger.map

  • Done! You can test the mathletter document class with the following example document: http://www.math.uzh.ch/fileadmin/math/divers/mathletter.tex.

Math UZH Logo in Beamer Class

In order to include the Math UZH logo in your presentation, download the files imath-tex-logo.png and imath-tex-logo.eps to the directory where your LaTeX presentation source file resides.

Add the following lines right below the \documentclass line


After processing the file with LaTeX, the DVI or PDF will show the logo on every frame.




\begin{frame}{TITLE 1}
  \item Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
    elit. Suspendisse pulvinar.
  \item Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
    elit. Suspendisse pulvinar.

\begin{frame}{TITLE 2}
  \item Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
    elit. Suspendisse pulvinar.
  \item Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
    elit. Suspendisse pulvinar.


LaTeX Templates Conforming the Corporate Design

You will find ready-to-use LaTeX templates in /scratch/software/tex/templates conforming the UZH Corporate Design. The folder Korrespondenz contains templates for letters, the folder Praesentation templates for presentation/beamer material.

How to use the Templates

Copy the desired template to your home directory, or any other suitable location (Do not edit the files in /scratch/software/tex/templates) and edit it with your favorite LaTeX editor.

If you use the letter templates, please replace the text enclosed by angle brackets (<>) with the appropriate information.