= Host/Lecturer Manual = * go to https://uzh.meet.switch.ch/ * choose name for meeting (e.g. MAT123) [new_meeting.png] * allow microphone [allow_microphone.png] * [i_am_the_host.png] * login with UZH shortname * open settings [open_settings.png] * give yourself name HOST [name_host.png] * check all boxes [check_all_boxes.png] * click share screen [share_screen.png] * choose whole screen or only one window then click share [choose_share.png] * share the link with your students (copy from URL bar) [copy_url.png] * all students will join with their microphone muted and camara off * on the right side you will see a pannel for each student where you can mute and kick students out of the meeting (there is no way to unmute a student. they must do that themselves) [kick_student.png]