PublicMathWiki: Homepage

I-MATH Homepage

Lecture / Seminare




Contact: Managing Director.

Email Reminder

Personal Homepage

All institute members are automatically listed ( on the institute's page (as long as they are employed), including a detailed personal page with subpages for Research, CV and Publications. The data shown are either automatically generated and (optional) manually extended by the user via 'Local Info' (see below), or loaded from a directory where the user can create HTML files directly.

Via 'MY'

  1. Go to > MY > Login > Personal homepage

  2. For every page (Main, Research, ...) a list of records can be created. Each record might contain text, links, pictures or PDFs for download. To style the output, use HTML.



To create a modern homepage that can be viewed from desktop devices and smartphones alike, please refer to the following links:

Password protection

AuthName "private stuff login"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /userpages/<surname>/.htaccessusers
require valid-user

# Create .htaccessusers
$ htpasswd -c ~/public_html/.htaccessusers <username>

# If there is a .htaccessusers file and you would like to add or alter a user/password:
$ htpasswd ~/public_html/.htaccessusers <username>

HTML Math Symbols

Math Symbols can be typed as HTML codes in modern browsers:


  <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=" />

PublicMathWiki: Homepage (last edited 2023-07-15 10:11:02 by crose)